Les Swashbuckling Napoleons / James P. Honey – Split

Limited to 123 copies in silk screened covers.

Smash The Compass, Kill To Play produced by Edison, vocals by Thesis Sahib & Bleubird. Cover art by Thesis Sahib.

How To Build An Ark produced and recorded by Honey, T. Lowrey and Bakermoon at Grannyflat Studios. Guitar and vocals by James P Honey, violin by Laura Rose Mallows, piano by Alexander Templeton-Ward. Cover art by Alexander Templeton-Ward.

Released: 2013
Label: MISM Records

7″ Vinyl

Les Swashbuckling Napoleons
[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://endshoppe.com/mp3_stream/mism/snippet_swashbuckling-napoleons.mp3″]
James P Honey
[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”http://endshoppe.com/mp3_stream/mism/snippet_jamesphoney.mp3″]
Track List
Side A. Les Swashbuckling Napoleons – Smash The Compass, Kill To Play
Side B. James P. Honey – How To Build An Ark